
Welcome to the Stanford Interventions Lab!
Creating Tailored, Targeted, and Well-Timed Interventions

Our lab is focused on identifying psychological barriers that impede performance and well-being, and leveraging those insights to create theory-driven interventions that target those barriers. Importantly, our approach is to create interventions that will have the greatest potential impact by (1) tailoring the intervention, (2) targeting the population in greatest need, and (3) timing the intervention to be delivered in moments when people are most receptive or most in need of the intervention.

Below is an example of how technology can be utilized to deliver such interventions:


Our Lab

Our team consists of researchers  devoted to developing social psychological interventions to address real wold issues. These domains include, but are not limited to, academic performance, athletic performance, weight loss, smoking cessation, economic decision-making, and general well-being. Our collaborators bring a diverse set theoretical backgrounds and expertise toward this common goal.